Thanksgiving is creeping on us and for those who have a week at home with kids or who are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner with kids attending, I have the perfect craft for you. Thanksgiving crafts are a perfect way to entertain those squishy kiddos and fill time while you are preparing dinner. These DIY Turkey Boxes look fantastic on plates filled with crayons paired with a thanksgiving coloring sheet. They are easy to make. Here’s how you do it:
FREE Printable Turkey Pieces (Download Below)
Colored Fry Boxes
Hot Glue Gun
Download the FREE Printable Turkey Pieces

Enter your name and email address to download the FREE Printable Turkey Pieces.
Download your FREE Printable Turkey Pieces. Print and cut. Using your glue gun, glue the leaves to the back of the box and the eyes and beak to the front of the box.
Looking for other Turkey Crafts? Check out these ideas on Love the Day.
Hi. Thanks so much for the beautiful thanksgiving printables. Where do you get the fry boxes? Thanks ?
The students take turns calling out coordinates.